The publicist Dmitry Bykov says while lecturing that the Prado Museum has the inscription: “Take good care of what you do not understand. It could be an art work."

But you should take more appropriate and reasonable care of the things you never mind.

Other Museums

Everyone considers museums to be a kind of art cemetery, where visitors come to admire the grandeur of the past. But in case we put the masterpieces aside - both familiar from the childhood and incomprehensible with their novelty - you can see around what usually goes unnoticed by the viewer - the museum, the exhibition space, its interaction with the viewer.

As a result, in a visit you can "step the same river" twice and touch the great (even if unknown), and create your own vision of the museum space. See another museum.

Pennlab gallery. Alexander Gronsky. "Time and Place". Moscow, 2021

New Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, 2021

Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin. Bill Viola. Soul journey. Moscow, 2021
Museum of Russian Impressionism. Vanguard: On the cart in the XXI century. Moscow, 2021
New Tretyakov Gallery. Living substance. Moscow, 2021
New Tretyakov Gallery. Diversity. United. Moscow, 2022
Pennlab gallery. Alexander Gronsky. "Time and Place". Moscow, 2021

New Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, 2021

Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin. Bill Viola. Soul journey. Moscow, 2021
New Tretyakov Gallery. Living substance. Moscow, 2021
Museum of Russian Impressionism. Vanguard: On the cart in the XXI century. Moscow, 2021
New Tretyakov Gallery. Diversity. United. Moscow, 2022